Khamis, April 27, 2006

Nur Muhammad s.a.w. 6

Aku nukilkan satu pandangan yang menarik berhubung Nur Muhammad s.a.w. dan kejadian alam semesta yang dinyatakan oleh Syaikh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani dalam bukunya berjodol " The Approach of Armageddon ?" pada mukasurat 59 - 60.
  • The Prophet s.a.w. said: "That light turned in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished."
  • Allah caused that light to turn (yadurr) around the Essence of the Divine Attribute of Power - Allah's Ocean of Power - just as people circumambulate around the Ka'ba, and just as electrons turn around the nucleus of the atom.
  • When something turns, it generates energy, just as a generator produces electricity when it is turned by the turbine in a hydroelectric plant. As the light of the Prophet s.a.w. was turning in the Divine Presence of the Attribute of Power, bahr al-qudra, it was accumulating more and more energy. At some point the Light of the Prophet s.a.w. was overwhelmed by the immense energy accumulated upon it - to the point that it was essential the energy be released. When the accumulated energy could no longer be contained, Allah s.w.t. ordered it to explode in what is known as the Big Bang.
  • The expansion of that light and energy of the Big Bang continues even now. And therefore the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is the center of light. Allah s.w.t. created the light of the Prophet s.a.w. and endowed him with vast energy from His Ocean of Power. It was through the explosion of that energy that everything in this universe came into existence - all through the agency of the Prophet s.a.w.

Menarik juga tafsiran yang dibuat oleh Tok Syaikh Hisham tersebut yang menghubungkan Nur Muhammad dengan teori Big Bang. Apa-apa pun, Nur Muhammad itu adalah satu hakikat yang hanya Allah ta`ala sahaja mengetahui kejadiannya. Jadi hakikatnya Allahu a'lam.

Allahumma sholli wa sallim 'ala Nuril Anwar.

2 ulasan:

  1. may i knom your name and your email? i from indonesia, my name is muhammad hamam, a idrisiyyah 's murid. i m very like your blog.

  2. Abu Muhammad, ana punya email

    Akhie, murid Imamul Akbar Muhammad Dahlan ?

    Doakan ana.
