Selasa, April 01, 2008

Rahsia Penciptaan - Fethullah Gulen

M. Fethullah Gulen, ulama dan pemikir Islam Turki kontemporer, dalam bukunya yang diterjemah dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan jodol "The Messenger of God MUHAMMAD", M. Fethullah Gulen, menulis satu gagasan yang menarik hatiku untuk dikongsikan bersama ikhwah yang melawati blog yang dhoif ini. Beliau mengumpamakan alam semesta ciptaan Allah ini sebagai sebuah buku yang mana Junjungan Nabi s.a.w. diciptakan Allah agar umat manusia memahami isi kandungan atau rahsia "buku penciptaan ini". Tanpa baginda, nescaya umat tidak akan memahami rahsia penciptaan dan arah tuju umat manusia dalam mengharungi kehidupan mencari "damai abadi" - hok ni pinjey istiloh Pok Lah Badawi Isley Hadhari. Halaman xix buku tersebut, M. Fethullah Gulen menyatakan:-

He (the Prophet s.a.w.) once related a dream: "They weighed me against 10 people of my community, and I outweighed them. Then they weighed me against a 100 and then a 1000, and I outweighed them all." He also related: "I was weighed against my whole community, and I outweighed it." He outweighs all people of intellect, piety and spirituallity, and faith and knowledge, for all other beings were created because of him. It is reported that God said to him: "But for you, I would not have created the spheres."

The universe is a book. If Muhammad s.a.w. had not been created, this book would not have been understood. To create an incomprehensible book is a waste of time and effort. As God is beyond such things, He created Muhammad s.a.w. to describe the meaning of creation to humanity. God would be his teacher, and the Earth and firmaments would be subjected to him. He would answer all the eternal questions: "Who and where am I?" "Why have I been created?" "What is my ultimate destination?" and "Who is my guide during this journey?" Muhammad s.a.w. provides creation with meaning and answers such questions. If he had been fully recognized, he would have been truly loved.

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